A Message from Brigid

I live in Gleann na nGealt, near the village of Camp in the Dingle Peninsula,situated in the County of Kerry on the South West coast of Ireland, in Western Europe. I am a sheep farmer. The valley of Gleann na nGealt where I was born and reared has a unique history.   A well in the valley  named Tobar na nGealt  is reputed to have a cure for madness.In recent times a sample of water taken from wells in the valley showed a higher content of the chemical Lithium than waters tested in other areas of West Kerry. The medical profession tell us that Lithium is widely used in the treatment of maniac depression, hence the possiblility of the chemical having some influence on a cure and of course the peace and tranquility of this lovely glen does of course play a part in this history. It is well documented in early Irish writings and history that people came to this valley for the cure. I inherited a wealth of stories and folklore from my late father Tom Batt O Connor who lived in the valley for all of his 96 years and died on St. Patricks Day 2003 in his own home in Gleann na nGealt.   I love this place and am always delighted to share the history of this wonderful mythical place with others who are interested.Today people still come, many because of the history and the stories and maybe some people still find peace here !

Celtic Mythology named the Dingle Peninsula   “Corca Dhuibhne”, after the Goddess Dhuibhne who ruled the peninsula in ancient times.    An Island, jutting out into the wide Atlantic Ocean, this is an area of great scenic beauty.   West Kerry has a myriad of sandy beaches, mountains and rolling hills and is a walker’s paradise.  The wonderful scenery around every bend is exquisite and visitors have come from all over the world since time immemorial to savour our culture and meet our friendly people. Why not visit sometime and stay in Gleann na nGealt Sheep Farm accommodation – Check it out at – https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1333397

The entire Dingle Peninsula is dotted with  hundreds of historical and archaelogical sites,  which I intend to highlight in this blog.

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