Camp Notes – December 2018


What a truly memorable night we had in our own hall hosting Camp Social. To the team that made it possible,  dedicating their time and effort in the lead up and the clean up, a heartfelt thanks to you,  one and all and a special mention to Camp ICA ladies..

To Noreen Ashe who made the night complete with her lovely music and songs we are forever grateful, not forgetting the fabulous food served by Padraig and his team the compliments and positive comments stand testimony to the fine dining we experienced.

Thank you to everyone who donated a spot prize for our very successful raffle on the night . Thank you to Sean Barry our MC on the night who enthralled everyone with a little local history too !    To you the people of the Community and beyond without whom this event would not be possible,. thank you for your continuing support and encouragement.  After some time to reflect it is indeed heartening to have witnessed first hand the support that exists in our Community for all the endeavours and developments that have taken place over the decades. Too many to list here,  all our success  is the result of great people coming together to help progress the facilities for the Community as a whole !    We the members of Camp Community Council wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas . May 2019 be good to you and your families.


Christmas Ceremonies at St. Marys Church Camp as follows-

Mass – 6.00 p.m. – Christmas Eve 24th December.

Mass –  12 noon  – Christmas Day 25th. December.

This years festive Christmas Swim at Garrahies Gap will take place at 10.30am on Tuesday 25th December.  And  there will be an official countdown to get you on your marks!  Warm drinks will be served.  All proceeds will go to the local charity Camp Hill, Dingle.


The Annual Christmas Walk will be held on Saturday December 29th.  There are 2 routes planned, a  4 mile walk and a longer 8 mile walk.  Registration – 10.30 am in the Old School, Camp.  Start time is 11.00 am. Cost E10.00 adults – children are free.  Always a lovely enjoyable community walk, an occasion for all the family, friends and visitors to catch up after Christmas  !  Everybody welcome !


And if you haven’t got your Christmas Tree yet, then its time to stop off at O Dwyers Mace where you will find the nicest Christmas trees and locally grown, up the road in Camp  !  The Christmas tree shop is open weekends,  Friday to Sunday,  10 am to 5.00 p.m.  There are  really nice freshly made grave, door and table centre wreaths available as well.    And you can have your tree delivered too,  just telephone to order or for more information !     Contact number – 0868973406.


Christmas Workshop in Derrymore,  learn to make your own wreaths,,Christmas table arrangements and swags !   Classes on 22nd of December. Cost €45, to book call Bridget Sayers on 0860883500


Cloghane man Adrian O Connor’s book shows that despite all adversaries there is hope !  Adrian suffered a serious brain injury 14 years ago and was given little hope in the medical world at the time.  A man of unbelievable tenacity and strength, Adrian has in fact defied all the odds and is  now doing more than most  people in feats of strength and endurance.  Adrians Book “ Christys Come Home  is a wonderful read,  a must for all of us,   Congratulations Adrian !  Available in shops locally in Castlegregory and West Kerry.   Adrian, Congratulations –   Go n-eírí leat !


What a great night we had in The Dingle Bay Hotel last night for our End of Year Celebrations. Many thanks to Tony O’Keeffe for officially launching our Club Development plan. It was a special night where we honoured our Senior Team successes from 1987 to 1993. Our Cahill Cup winning Junior team were presented with Medals and a special presentation was made to our County Minor Stars Killian Falvey and Colm Moriarty.

Congratulations to all the organisers and those were honoured on the night !     Abha na scáil abú 2019. Please see Facebook – Report and great photos.



Wishing Peter Beales  every success in his new Garage business at  O Dwyer’s Retail Centre, Camp !  Another fantastic service available in Camp to the community of West Kerry.  Peters garage is now up and running and open for business  !   Contact  083-0678564


On The Ball Team Building is a new fitness Company started up recently in West Kerry, offering tailored, sport specific,team building experiences to teams and clubs dedicated to achieving success in their chosen field.   Head over to Instagram and follow them on @ontheballteambuilding1 and see Facebook.   Congratulations and the best of luck to Jamie Finn and the team, great to see young entrepreneurs  blossom amongst us in our own parish!    Go n.éirí  an t-adh libh  !

And staying with fitness and athletic feats,  the Hicksons, Eamonn, Susan and Jason are still achieving records, this time 4 records  in one morning earlier in the month thus gaining the Lougher family another place in The Guinness World Book of Records.  Congratulations to all of you, well done !  


There was a large attendance at The Dingle Way AGM held Upstairs in John Bennys Pub, Dingle on 6th December.  Outgoing Chairman John Ahern reported a busy year on the Dingle Way.  John was delighted to welcome an allocation of E208,000.00 in funding received recently through the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.  John acknowledged and thanked Minister Brendan Griffin T.D. for his support of the application saying that it would not have happened without the Ministers support and intervention. 

John also thanked Kerry Co. Council, Údarás na Gaeltachta,  NEWKD and South Kerry Partnership for their support and he particularly acknowledged the help of Fíonnán ó Hógáin, Údarás na Gaeltachta, John Sheehy, Dingle, Patricia Deane, SKP and John Griffin, Joe McCarthy and Colm Nagle, Kerry Co. Council.  John welcomed the newly appointed Dingle Way, Tourism and Cultural Officer Liadáin Slattery to the meeting.  Liadáin will work on promotion and marketing and upgrading the website along with linking in with Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance and work to create new packages to attract off season visitors.   This position is funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta.   John Ahern was praised for his commitment over the years and his passion and enthusiasm in working towards making the Dingle Way a world class walking route and attraction for visitors !  Kevin O Shea also noted the Health and Fitness aspect of walking for everybody, locals and tourists alike.  The following officers were elected for the coming year – Chairman – Colm Bambury, Vice Chairman – John Ahern, Secretary – Brigid O Connor, Treasurer – Kevin O Shea, PRO – Noel Spillane.


May Peace and Joy be with you all this Chritmastime at home and abroad !



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