The daffodils are blooming in Michael O Shea’s garden in the shadows of Curradubh bridge, first signs of spring in Camp !!
Kingdom Kettlebells are now in The Old School, Camp on Fridays 6.15 p.m. A full body workout, for a healthier you, lose weight and tone up ! For more information contact Diane – 087 7940531.
John Joe O Donnell won the Cheltenham Tipster at the Junction Bar with Timmy Griffin and Anthony Deane runners up and Liam Goodwin and Brendan McCarthy, a close 3rd and 4th. There was great excitement throughout the 4 day event as the 30 participants on the board fluctuated up and down from day to day as the chosen horses won, lost and sometimes fell. However, all was taken in good faith and everybody enjoyed the annual flutter and crack at The Junction. Congratulations, John Joe, Timmy, Anthony, Liam and Brendan and well done to all who took part, it was great fun !! Thanks to Mike and Bernadette and staff for organising The Cheltenham tipster every year !
North and East Kerry Development Company are holding an information evening on the Leader Rural Development programme and NEKD events/projects at Benners Hotel, Dingle on Thursday 19th March at 7.00 p.m. More information – John Loughrey, 066/7180190.
A Table Quiz will be held in Ashes Bar, Camp on Friday, 10th April at 9.00 p.m. Proceeds will go towards Camp Defibrillator Fund.
Happy birthday to Francis Herlihy, Kilteenbane, Camp who following his 30th birthday in Ashes Bar, Camp went off to holiday in Australia for 3 weeks.
The Local soccer player and footballer and Castlegregory Golf Clubman who has won many accolades with his father Frankie will no doubt celebrate with a game or two of golf as downunder. Glad to hear he is not gone away to work as previously reported !
Heather O Donnell, Knockglossmore on her way home from London to celebrate her 21st. was surprised with lots of Birthday wishes when she arrived in Ashes where a packed house were attending a quiz on Saturday night. And her neighbour Fergal Crean was quick to capture the moment taking over the microphone from Sean Barry to sing “Happy birthday” to Heather. Could you ask for a better homecoming on your 21st. !!
And in The Junction Bar, on Saturday 7th. March a birthday cake awaited Bartley O Shea when he arrived in for a pint with his friends. A man never to make a fuss about anything was delighted with the surprise and enjoyed a great night with everybody and by all accounts celebrations continued on Sunday. Congratulations to Francis, Heather and Bartley, go maire sibh an chead !
The death of Mary Scanlon (nee Goodwin), The Maharees occurred last week. Mary was a real lady, kind and gentle, very creative and artistic. Mary enjoyed the active retired social occasions held locally and attended the Old School in Camp regularly on Tuesdays, she made many friends all over the peninsula and will be sadly missed by all.
Mary was predeceased by her husband John.
She is survived by her daughters, Teresa, Marie, Christine and Margaret, sons, Tommy and John, Sister, Eileen, brothers Frank,Jackie and Georgie, Grandchildren, Great grandchildren, Sisters-in-law, Brother-in-law, relatives and many friends. Mary was laid to rest in Killiney Cemetary following Requiem Mass at St. Marys Church, Castlegregory. Sympathy is extended to all.