The Annual General Meeting of Camp Community Council held on Friday night at the Old School, Camp was very well attended. Ian Hassel Secretary presented the agenda for the meeting. Chairman Eugene Finn welcomed everybody and reported on all activities undertaken by the council in the past year. The Astor Turf Development in Camp Community Field is almost completed and drainage work on the pitch was carried out earlier this year. Leader funding of E106,000 was received through the local Development Company, NEKD and Sports Capital Funding of E90,000 was also received towards the Astro Turf Development. A Polly tunnel was also funded in the Community Field. The Chairman thanked Victor Sheahan for his support and work in the application process for grants. A loan from Clann Credo of E41,000 to cover a shortfall was acquired, this will be repaid through community fundraising. The Chairman also acknowledged the support of local Fine Gael TD Brendan Griffin in securing the Sports Capital grant. He thanked CE worker Tom Griffin and all members of the council and everybody who helped in any way throughout the year. Roy Bowler Shore Acre caravan Park was thanked for his substantial contribution of E1,000 to Camp Cash Cow Fundraiser. Treasurer Michelle Farrell presented the 2013 accounts and Conor Slattery who heads up the Field Finance Committee gave an update on activities to date and plans for future fundraising. Thomas Ashe took over the HSE project this year, Thomas reported on activities for the Active Retired, he thanked and acknowledged John Chambers commitment of 34 years to the Care of The Aged in Camp. Anne Moynihan HSE community Worker also thanked John Chambers.
The motions for the AGM were then discussed. In response to Mairead Clifford’s motion, A Community information board will be placed on the outside of the school and a running track on the community field is to be organised. It was stated that an events Facebook page would be linked into the Camp website due to be activated soon. Christopher Foley’s motion regarding the condition of the carpark and entrance to the field will also be addressed. In response to a motion from Community Council Ltd., all Community Council members agreed to become Directors of the Limited Company at the next meeting of the Council.
The Chairman’s motion requesting the retention of the trusteeship of the field and the appointment of additional trustees to the community sports field was discussed at length. Following which it was agreed that one additional trustee should be appointed for the duration of one year up until the AGM of 2015. This business to be carried out at the next meeting of Camp Community Council and unanimous agreement of all members of the council would be required to sanction this appointment . It was decided that during the coming year Camp Community Council will explore all avenues regarding the ownership and management of Camp Community property to ensure that all community property remains in the ownership of Camp Community into the future.
Brigid O Connor proposed a vote of thanks to RSS worker John Joe O Donnell and to Council Director Mairead Crean who left for London in May of this year. Mary Knightly reported from the ICA, The Drama Group and The Defibrillator Group. Sheila O Donnell proposed a vote of thanks to Fr. John Buckley PP and the parish for the use of the Old School and for the work carried out on the roof. Camp Community Council Ltd. recently signed a 20 year lease of the Old School with St. Brendan’s Trust at a rental of E250 per year. A lease of 20 years between the 2 current trustees and Camp Community Council Ltd. was also put in place earlier this year. A proposal was also put forward to review our Community Election system. And It was agreed to upgrade the GAA Goal Posts in Camp Community Sports Field with new netting etc. in the next few weeks.
Throughout the meeting reference was made to the high level of community development which the community of Camp has achieved down through the years. And in conclusion, all were in agreement to now move forward together, resolve any issues and continue to work for the good of our Community in Camp.
Camp Astro Turf pitch is an all weather, floodlit facility which will be opening shortly at the Camp Community Field. It will be available for use by all age groups and Camp Community Council invite any clubs/schools/groups etc. who may be interested in using the facility to forward details by email to the following address.
The AGM of Camp Irish Farmers Association was held in Ashes Pub on Tuesday, 4th. November. Brigid O Connor Chairman/Tom Griffin Secretary presented the end of year report to the meeting. Tommy Culloty, County Executive of Kerry IFA. was guest speaker. Tommy gave up an update on beef, milk, sheep and other commodities and on new schemes, Glas and commonage framework.
Camp IFA acknowledged and thanked Kerry and National IFA for their support and for the help to local members on any issues of concern to them throughout the year. The branch attended a number of protests, where farmers were looking for a more level playing pitch and better prices for their product. The most recent being the 48 hour beef price protest in Rathkeale concerning the E350 price gap with UK. The branch would like to thank Micko and Elaine of Ashes who provided sandwiches on the night.
Officers elected for the coming year –
Chairman – Brigid O Connor, Secretary – Tom Griffin, Registrar – Jack Crean, Environment – Pat Scanlon, Dairy – David Crean, Paschal Rohan and Stephen Martin, Farm Family – David Crean, Forestry – Johnny Kennedy, Livestock – Jack Crean and Gerard McCarthy, Rural Development – Brigid O Connor, Hill Committee –Jackie Murphy and Milo O Brien, Sheep – Johnny Kennedy, Gerard McCarthy and Jackie Murphy.
Fundraising: Clear out for Christmas! The Parents Association are organising
a Nov. at 10.30am.
On Sunday morning the 28th of December we will be holding our 2nd Annual Classic & Vintage car run and community walk. We will be leaving from Camp village and touring around the beautiful West Kerry; which is part of the Wild Atlantic Way and returning to the Old School in Camp ! Coinciding with the Reindeer run, Walks will also be organised on the day. Full details of all activities will be available later ! Proceeds to Camp Community Field Development fund.
Play and Language Programme hosted by HSE at Halla Le Chéile (Cloghane,Brandon) starting Monday 3.11.2014 from 10.30 -12.15 .This group is for children 0-3 years. The aim of the course is to promote and stimulate children’s language and numeracy development. The course will be in English. Due to large number of enquiries please call 066 7138137 to reserve a place.
Camp Defibrillator Committee are organising CPR refresher training on December 10th. 7 – 10 p.m. The committee are earnestly encouraging people to attend this training.
QUIZ – Camp Defibrillator Committee are organising a fundraising quiz in Ashes Pub on Friday, December 5th. commencing at 9.00 p.m. Please support.
Clothes Collection at Aughacasla NS on Saturday November 15th from 10am-12. All clothes, shoes,runners,bags, belts, sheets, pillow/duvet covers, blankets, throws, stuffed toys, laptops with lead (all data will be wiped) mobile phones are accepted. Please support this fundraising drive for the school. Further info at Collection can be arranged if you can’t make it. Contact 087 7912908.
PARISH MISSION 2014 Sun. 16th to Fri. 21st November.
The Theme of the Mission is ‘Come and See: Christ our Light’.
Mission Timetable: Annascaul Church: Masses: Mon. to Fri. 7am & 9.30am
Mission Devotions: Mon. to Fri. at 8pm.
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Tues. 10am to 2pm.
Inch Church: Masses: Mon., Tues. & Fri.: 9.30am; Wed. & Thurs.: 7.15am.
Mission Devotions: Mon. & Tues. 7pm.
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Tues. 2-5pm.
Camp Church: Masses: Mon., Tues. & Fri.: 7.15am; Wed. & Thurs.: 9.30am.
Mission Devotions: Tues., Wed. & Thurs.: 7pm.
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Tues. 5-7pm.
Blessing of Babies and young people: at the 3 Masses next weekend, 15th /16th Nov.
Opening(Sun. 16th) & Closing Ceremony(Fri. 21st) will take place in Annascaul Church
at 8pm for the 3 parish areas.
Anointing of the Sick will take place in Oceanview Nursing Home, Camp on Wed. 19th
Congratulations to Kenneth Quirke, Curra on winning the Junior 4 Rally Championship recently held in Bantry, Co. Cork. And 2014 has been a year of awards for the Quirke family, Breda, Kenneth’s Mother is also an All-Ireland champion in Rowing this year. Well done all, they say it’s in the genes !!
Congratulations to all our young people who recently graduated at ITTralee and at other colleges all over the country. Well done !
The Junction Bar and restaurant will continue to serve food throughout the winter.
While the bar is open normal hours, we will serve food from midday every day of the week.
With last orders week nights Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday at 7 pm.
Then, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8 pm.
THE JUNCTION BAR & RESTAURANT, Christmas Party Menus ; If you are planning a pre Christmas work, family or friends celebration then Fitzgeralds Camp is the perfect venue with the perfect menu. So choose a date and contact Bernadette or Mike on 066 71 30120 or email