Camp Notes – 14th April 2014


Camp Community Council is organising a litter clean up of the community over the Easter weekend. Bags, and a limited number of litter pickers and gloves will be available from members of the community council on Fri 18th of April from 10am to 10.30am at O’Dwyers Londis. Over the weekend people can do a small area near their house or get together in groups and do a larger area. Every little helps!! If anyone has any spare litter pickers they could use themselves, or pass on to the community council, it would be appreciated.  All bags can be dropped off at the front of the Community Sports hall on Easter Monday evening 21st April after 5pm. If possible, please do not drop bags before that time.


Camp Community Council are holding a Car Boot Sale on Sunday, 4th. May.  Gate opens at 10.30 a.m.  Teas and refreshments on the field.  Sellers – E10.00. Buyers E2.00.   All proceeds to Camp Sportsfield Development Fund.  So clear out the attic, remember “one man’s waste is another man’s treasure”.


Happy Easter!!! Kids party, with Puppet Show and Disco, on 12th of April in the Old School in Camp from 1-3pm. All are welcome. Entry fee is €5 per child or €10 per family.


St. Marys Church Ceremonies are as follows : –

Holy Thursday – Mass of The Lord’s Supper – 8.00 p.m.

Good Friday – Stations of The Cross – 12 noon

Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil – 8.30 p.m.

Easter Sunday – Mass  – 12 noon.


The highly acclaimed West Kerry playwright Mick Mulcahy is putting on his one act play with Don Wycherly of (Fr. Ted, Balchelors’ Walk fame) at The Old School, Camp  on Thursday 1st May at 8.00 p.m.  Tickets from O Dwyers Londis – E10.00.


Camp Community Council have set a date for the Camp Cash Cow field event.  Our biggest and most exciting annual fundraiser will be held on Sunday, August 3rd.  in Camp Community Sports Field.  Our faithful cow “  Bluebell “ has gone on to pastures new (sold on) and so the contest is open for the “quietest and cutest cow”  around to fill her hooves !  Jack Crean is carefully observing his cows to see if maybe there is a young “Bluebell” on the farm. To explain how it works, the field is divided into numbered grids with corresponding tickets for sale at E10.00, a cow is released and if your guess correctly the grid, where she does her business, you will win E500 !   Tickets will be on sale soon.  Its really a family fun day with Bouncy Castles, Face Painting, Family Sports Relay Racing, Dog Show,  Bar-b-que and lots more !  so mark the Camp Cash Cow event in your diary, it’s a great day out and you will be supporting the Camp Sportsfield Development fund!


Jimmy Deenihan T.D., Minister for Arts, Culture and The gaeltacht officially opened the Jerome Connor Sculpture Collection at The South Pole Inn Gallery in Annascaul on Friday night. The renowned Irish American Sculpture was born in Coumdubh, Annascaul and at at the young age of 15 years left for the USA with his family.  Minister Deenihan praised the work of Tom Kennedy and Eileen Percivial from The South Pole Inn, Paddy Moriarty ESB, Mary Lyne, Jerome Connor Trust and many others who had played a role in bringing this project to fruition. The Jerome Connor Collection along with The Memorabilia of Tom Crean The Annascaul Antarctic Explorer are now housed in The South Pole Inn for everybody to see and enjoy.


We were very sad to hear of the death of Kitty Boyle-Hussein of Inch and Arcanaught, Castlemaine. Many of us have fond memories of  Kitty coming to the Fair in Camp in its heyday.  She loved farming and all animals and was a great judge of quality sheep always buying the best ewe lambs from the same farmer every year in Camp Fair and she gave him a fair price for them too. Ní bheidh a léitheid arís ann.  She is survived by her sons, Mahmood and Autie, sister Annie, grandchildren, daughters in law  and extended family and many friends.  Sympathy is extended to all.