Congratulations to Louise Barry, Camp and Thomas Greaney, Curaheen who were married recently in Marbella in Spain. The entire Barry and Greaney families enjoyed a wonderful wedding and a lovely family gathering and holiday in magnificent weather and exquisite scenery on this very special and joyous occasion for Louise and Thomas.  May they enjoy years and years of happiness and good fortune in their future lives together.


Congratulationst to Aidan Crean, Knockglossbeg, Camp and  Kenneth Quirke, Curra, Camp both conferred with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Wood Science and Technology at University College, Limerick on Wednesday last.  Well done.


Sympathy is extended to Tina Griffin, Knockglossmore, Camp and Dingle and all the extended  family on the recent death of her father Donal Griffin, Marian Park, Dingle.  Donal’s son is Tommy Griffin, well know Kerry and West Kerry footballer.

Sympathy is extended to  Michael O Donnell, Tralee and Glenmane on the death of his sister Mary, native of Cloghane and teaching in Dublin for all of her working life.  Mary is also survived by her brother Gerard and sister Kathleen, nieces, nephews many relatives and friends.  R.I.P.

And Maidhc Dainín O Sé  Baile na nGall passed away on Thurday. Maidhc Dainín was a born literary genius who epitomised everything that was Irish in language, culture and music and in his many books written in the Irish Language. He has left a huge legacy to the nation. A simple unassuming man who truly gives credence to “Walking with Kings”, while never losing the common touch. Sympathy is extended to his wife Kathleen , sons Daithi (RTE Presenter), Kevin and Danny, Daughter Marianne, grandchildren and many relatives and friends. His daughter Deirdre predeceased him.  Go ndéana Dia trocaire ar a n-anamhacha go léir.


Despite half the county donning their green and gold and setting off for Dublin, many fans opted to  attend the Camp Junction Annual Vintage Rally and watch the match at the Junction where the atmosphere was also electric. Good on the Kerry team who gave us a mighty game of football!
The vintage rally was a great success as always and was well supported by local exhibitors as well as those who travelled long distances.
Pauline and Joan provided the tea, home baking and refreshments. Moss gave a running commentary of the different events and played music and match relays all day long. And John Joe O Donnell gave a hand sheepshearing demonstration.
Anne kept everyone informed of the layout and where to get their plaques, while also doing the gate. Les prepared the grounds for the event with John Joe and also presented everyone with their plaques. Susan and John made St.Brigid crosses in the hand craft section which were in great demand and funds again went to Kerry Hospice. Thanks to Catherine and her daughter for doing face painting for the children.  Castlegregory won the Tug-o-War,  teams from Aughacasla and Camp also took part. Brendan McCormack made butter in an old churn!
To the Many people who took part or helped in any way we extend a huge Thank You. Total amount raised will be announced later as money is still coming in, and it is hoped  to present the cheque to Kerry Hospice on Camp Fair night.


Camp Drama Group are beginning rehearsals for their next play “A Wake in the West” on Monday 9th of September at 9pm in The Railway Bar Camp. New members welcome hope to see you all there. Information 086 4089504.


The Kerry Branch of the Irish Farmers Association are hosting a Regional Skillnet Information event on CAP, Computer and Farm Safety  on Thursday,  12th September in The Skellig Hotel, Dingle at 7.30 p.m. Entertainment and a buffet meal will follow courtesy of Kerry IFA. To book please call Tralee IFA office – 0667123279. This should be a very beneficial  night of information for all IFA members in this age of change in farming life, so its well worth attending !


Camp  Old  Traditional  Sheep Fair is on Wednesday, 18th. September with Sheep, Horses, Donkeys, Fowl for sale. A Sheep Show will be held in the yard of Dalys Bar at 12.30 p.m.

Categories – Scotch Ewe and Ram Lamb, Scotch Yearling Ram,Cheviot Hogget Ram,Cheviot Aged Ram and Overall Champion Sheep. Cash Prizes for Best Traditional Pens and Best Pen of Quality Sheep. Prizes for best horses.  Ashes Pub/Restaurant  will have mutton pies all day and inclusion in a free draw with Profits To Kerry Hospice Association. And Marys  Mutton Pies can be savoured at The Junction Bar/Restaurant.  O Dwyers Retail Centre are also catering for all dietary requirements. And Camp ICA have a coffee/tea and home baking day in aid of  Kerry Hospice Association in the Old School. The ever popular Musician Danny Goggin is at Ashes Pub and Spailpin  are playing in The Junction Bar on Camp Fair night and the proceeds of Camp Junction Vintage Rally will be presented to  Kerry Hospice Association. Camp fair is a lovely family day out, it’s great craic, everybody welcome.


The official launch of “Drivin You To Drink” will be at the Seven Hogs in Aughacasla, Castlegregory on Friday 13th Sept. It will be a great night out with music by the Jam Butty Band and friends, craic, raffles, and complimentary finger food, please come to support it have a fun night out. The CD is €10 and will  help to support The Kerry Cancer Support Group. For more info call (087) 7538679 or go to


Camp ICA is again back in full swing…..Meetings monthly, 1st Thursday of each month.
Ongoing walks on Weds. @ 09.30am. Weekly get-togethers for other activities and information..
Contact Mary Knightly 066-7130918 / 05-1433150 (Secretary)

SENIORS: Annascaul were defeated over the weekend in division 2 of the county league by Listowel, on a scoreline of 3-14 to 1-11. This leaves us at the bottom of the table, but there is still hope in our final league game to escape the drop. TEAM: Tommy Pierce, Eoghan O Neill, Eamonn Hickson, David Clifford, Colm Barry, Jason Hickson, Ger Farrelly, Emmet Kennedy, Gearoid O Shea, Genie Farrell, Shane Foley, James Scanlon, Aidan Crean, Gareth O Donnell, James Crean. SUBS: Keith Moynihan, John Bowler, Cian Kennedy, Fionn Coakley, Andrew Finn, Johnathon Deane, Declan Lindsey.



Camp Notes – 1st September 2013


The news of the death of John Moriarty, Lisdargan, Lispole was received with sadness by all of us who knew him. We all have fond memories of John coming to Camp Fair and winning prizes for his quality sheep down through the years. Sympathy is extended to his wife Teresa, daughter, son, brother and sisters, grandchildren and extended family and many friends.  John, affectionately known as (Johnny, Dingle) a throwback from his wide and varied travels around the world was a very popular man and will be missed by everybody.  Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilís.

Sympathy is extended to Richard Greensmyth on the recent death of his mother Margaret Greensmyth, Railway Terrace, Tralee and to all the Greensmyth family and friends in Camp and Tralee.


Camp Fair is round the corner once again. The fair falls on Wednesday 18th September this year and is always a great day out for all the family.  According to local information there is no sheep mart clashing with us this year, so come on the buyers and local farmers please  bring sheep for sale too !  All Perpetual cups for the sheep show to be returned please to Dalys Bar before  the fair, as soon as possible.  Money Prizes for best traditional pens as always !!!  And the Mutton Pies is of course the staple diet of the day and as always, there will be plenty of  music and craic in all the pubs, so Camp Fair here we come !!   Horses welcome too and any animals or fowl for sale, everybody is welcome at Camp Fair.


The popular Dingle Band Walking on Cars performed in Ashes Pub on Friday 16th. August last. A huge crowd attended.  Local Camp Band Turf were the support artists. A great night was had by all.


Also on Friday 16th. August, there was a big turnout at The Tribute to Páidí O Shea CD Launch in Ventry. Among the main vocalists on the CD is our own lovely singer Noreen Ashe. The CD is only E5 and is available locally and in all good music shops. All funds go towards the Irish Heart Foundation. Well known RTE broadcaster Michael O Muircheartaigh launch the CD on the night.

Paddy O Brien our very accommodating local taxi is launching his new CD at The Seven Hogs on 13th September. Entitled “Paddy will Drive you to Drink” and containing a few lovely numbers recorded by his son Vincent and Willie Hilliiard, (The Junction Bar- Sunday night music),  the CD is a nice local momento and is available for E5. Again proceeds to go towards The Kerry Cork Cancer Link Bus.


Martin Mulcahy’s  recently  showed  “Castlegregory on Film”,  local film and Documentary at The Clubrooms, Castlegregory.  Murt is a very talented artist, video producer and film maker and is a member of the well known Mulcahy family, brother Frankie of Riverdance fame and on his mother side the traditional musicians the Hilliards of Aughascla.  An excellent production and a historical memorabilia for the area. Congratulations Murt !