The sun shone brightly on a very enjoyable Camp Fair held in the village last Tuesday, 18th September.    They came from all over, some to look around the fair and some to pick up afew sheep for the freezer or indeed to breed and add to their stock.    Camp always boasts good quality sheep raised in a healthy environment on the hills and mountains around the area.
There was a good supply of horses there too and a few donkeys and even pigs, the poultry, hens and ducks were in great demand,  held in netted coops on the roadside they were a complimentary addition to the pens erected in a  row at the roadside at Camp Cross.   A great effort was put into the making of the sheep pens and young Cian and Mark Griffin, Beheenagh, Camp won the overall prize for the best traditional  pen made from the branches of trees, even had some ivy growth on part of it which made a delicious after breakfast desert for the sheep penned therein.
Jack Crean Knockgloss Beg, Camp,  ponies rail of sheep came in second, that type of pen was commonly used in Camp Fair in the olden days.   The pen of quality sheep went to Jimmy Herlihy, Camp,  this was a new category to encourage farmers to bring good quality sheep to the fair.    The sheep show as always was a great success and attracted a huge entry particularly in the Ewe Lamb category,  over 20 lams showed up for this category.    
Winners as follows –
Martin Crean Perpetual Cup –  Ewe Lamb 1. John Prendiville, Lispole,  2. Tom O Connor, Cloghane,  3. John Prendiville, Lispole.
John O Shea Perpetual Cup – Ram Lamb  1. Tom Brosnan, Dingle,  2. Gene Cronin, Killarney,
3. Tom Brosnan, Dingle
Tom Batt O Connor Perpetual Cup – Scotch aged Ram – 1. Tom Brosnan, Dingle,  2. Jimmy Herlihy, Camp 3. John Moriarty, Dingle.
Dalys Bar Perpetual Cup – Cheviot Hogget Ram – 1. John Moriarty, Dingle, Pat O Donnell, Slieve, Camp,  John Moriarty, Dingle.
Maureen O Dwyer Perpetual Cup – Scotch Yearling Ram – 1. Tom O Connor, Cloghane, 2 Fin Deane, Keel  3. Tom Griffin, Camp.
Michael O Shea Perpetual Cup – Overall Champion Sheep –  Tom O Connor, Cloghane.
Overall Champion Horse – Winner – Michael O Donnell, Kilteenbane, Camp  2. John Carroll, Mallow, 3. Francy Sugrue, Tralee.  
The Tommy Griffin Perpetual Cup was awarded to Catherine Fitzmaurice and the children of the Afterschool Project, Camp Community Childcare Centre.
Mutton pies were served all day and there was music and song in the pubs late into the night.  Camp ICA collected over 700 Euro for Kerry Hospice Association at their Tea/coffee day in the Old School.  All told Camp fair was a great day out for all the family again this year !
A Ecumenical Service will be held in The Church of Ireland, Camp on Sunday, 7th. october at 3.00 p.m.     Afterwards, refreshments will be served  at The Old School, Upper Camp.  All welcome.
A Ecumenical Retreat Walk will be held on Sunday, 14th. October starting at Upper Camp at 2.30 p.m. to Killelton Oratory and along the beach to Kilgobbin Church and return to Upper Camp around 5.00 p.m for light refreshments.  All welcome.
Would you like to help Win €500 for Aughacasla National School.
Aughacasla National School are taking part in the Cash4Schools Competition. The school needs to collect the Mighty Mikey Milk mascot which is on all Lee Strand Milk products.
Please send the tokens to the school. Your support is greatly appreciated. Competition closes in December.
The latest update from Camp ICA  is as follows –
Thursday 27th  September  “Go for Life”
Thursday October 4th Camp ICA Business Meeting.
Dance Class is beginning Friday October 5th 11am in
the Old School (1 hr class) – will run for 6 weeks. 30 Euro to non members.
And Martina Quirke gave an overview of her summer Mission Work in Zambia to the guild recently.
Further information or enquiries from Secretary Mary Knightly – telephone 066 7130918.
Camp achieved 223 marks in The National Tidy Towns competition this year, up 4 on last year.  Great stuff, getting better every year and encouragement to all to keep up the good work and thanks to all the volunteers who help out and The Rural Social Scheme and Fás workers !!
Ballinclare Fair, Annascaul Sheep and Horse Fair will be held on Sunday, 7th October.  Sheep Show at 1.00 p.m in Hannifins Bar.  Categories – Best Ram Lamb, Suffolk, Texel and Cheviot Ram, Yearling and Aged Ram and Best [en Scotch ewe lambs and best horse of the day.
Bouncy Castle, Sheep Shearing, Pet Show, Treasure Hunt, Mutton pies and Great Music all day long. 
Sympathy is extended to the parents, family and friends of Aurielle Perrot, Glomel, Britanny, France who died in France recently.  Members of Camp Town Twinning Association travelled to Glomel to pay their respects to Aurielle’s family who have become a part of our community since the inception of Camp Town Twinning.   Ar dheis Dé go  raibh a h-anam dilís.
Bridget Farrelly, Kilmainham Wood, Co. Meath passed to her eternal reward on Saturday last.  Bridget made many friends in West Kerry on her regular visits to her daughters Geraldine O Shea, Camp, Fidealus Foley Inch and to her sister Helen Evans R.I.P., Slieve and  all their families.  She was laid to rest in Kingscourt. Co. Cavan on Monday following Requiem Mass
Bridget is survived by 5 daughters and 7 sons, one of her sons predeceased her.  Sympathy is extended to all her family and friends.






Camp ICA are organising a 6 week Dance Night. There is a fee of E30 for non members.
On Thursday night the guild are having a Patchwork Crafts night with Helen Martin.  Bookings for Dance night and further information please contact Secretary Mary Knightly 066 7130918.
Last Thursday night Martina Quirke gave an overview of her recent Mission Work in Zambia.
The Rural Challenge Group addressed Kerry County Council’s September Meeting on Monday last.  The Rural Challenge is the collaboration of 3 rural National organisations the IRDA, GAA and IFA.  Earlier this year, The Rural Challenge in conjunction with Breda O Dwyer Lecturer IT Tralee and Rosalind Fitzgerald, Graduate produced a study document outlining many of the obstacles and difficulties which the people of Rural Ireland are experiencing.
On Monday, Neily O Sullivan speaking on behalf of the group called on Kerry County Council to support the establishment of a “Rural Forum” to address in a non confrontational manner, the needs, aspirations and the ongoing welfare of those who wish to live, work and raise their families in the Irish Rural Countryside. 
During the course of the debate invitations were issued to the Rural Challenge Group to address the Board of Kerry Education Services and the Co. Enterprise Board.
In conclusion James Doyle, on behalf of the group, thanked the Mayor and the Council members for receiving the deputation and for the promised support from Council members.  He again reiterated that the central demand of the Rural Challenge is the establishment of a Rural Forum which would be representative of all interests in Rural Ireland.
The deputation to the Co. Council consisted of the following members of the Rural Challenge Group: Brigid O’Connor representing Kerry IFA, Jerome Conway and John Kelly representing Kerry GAA and James Doyle and Neil O’Sullivan representing the IRDA.
Further information from Website – and facebook page.
Bridget Farrelly, Kilmainham Wood, Co. Meath passed to her eternal reward on Saturday last.  Bridget made many friends in West Kerry on her regular visits to her daughters Geraldine O Shea, Camp, Fidealus Foley Inch and to her sister Helen Evans R.I.P., Slieve and  all their families.  She was laid to rest in Kingscourt. Co. Cavan on Monday following Requiem Mass
. Bridget is survived by 5 daughters and 7 sons, one of her sons predeceased her.  Sympathy is extended to all her family and friends.
The 5th annual Kerry Bicycle Festival, runs from September 15th – 23rd coinciding with European Mobility Week in which Tralee is participating in for the first time.
Saturday 22nd September is Car Free Day. People are encouraged to leave the car at home on that day !! see website for more details






Our own local Camp athlete Ailise Deane was the third woman to cross the line,    at a time of 3 hours and 31 minutes in the Dingle Marathon on Saturday.      Ailise who ran the entire 26 miles is also a champion oarswoman capturing  the coveted Kerry title with the local Ladies Naomhóg team  in the Dingle Regatta a few weeks ago.     Congratulations Ailise,  well done !!


The Annual Camp Junction Vintage Rally will be held  on Sunday next  9th. September,   at the rear of  Fitzgeralds Junction Bar.       Luckily the fine few days has helped dry up the field and all systems go for a great day on Sunday.     Vintage cars, tractors and farm machinery of all types will be on display with threshing demonstration among other activities happening right through the afternoon.     A great day out for all the family on Sunday,  events start around 2.00 p.m.  All proceeds go towards The Kerry Hospice Association.


Internet  opening hours at  Camp Old School are  as follows:  – 

Tuesdays  and  Wednesdays  –   Mornings :  9.30 – 11.30 a.m.    Afternoon –  2.30 – 4.30 p.m.                                          Thursdays  –  9.30  – 4.30 p.m.    This is a great service for the community and for visitors to the area.


Camp ICA are recommencing on this Thursday, September 6th  at 8.30 p.m. in Camp Old School.  New members welcome.    Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month and projects for the coming weeks are planned at these meetings.  


Friends of Leukaemia patients,  Cork and Kerry Cancer Group Link Bus are holding a Charity Walk in association with Annascaul Walks and the local GAA on 16 September from Dingle to Annascaul.   The walk will proceed along the Dingle Way starting at 10.00 a.m. at The Dingle Bay Hotel.   Pickup  Bus will be available along the way for people wishing to do only part of the walk.      Sponsor cards available from Jimmy McCarthy 087 262 7271 & Moira Spillane  087 697 0311.  



 Life is a Dance floor – A fun way of learning how to dance.  Classes include Polka’s, Waltzing,  Jiving and  much more.  Starting  at 8.00 p.m. Wednesday,  September 19th.

Venue Kerins O Rahilly’s   (Charlies Bar),   Strand Road, Tralee.  For more information lease contact 087 281 7972.


Local Aughascla Musician Frankie Mulcahy will launch his new CD at The Seven Hogs Bar on Friday, 14th. September.   Frankie,  who formerly toured with world renowned “Riverdance” is currently playing Ashes Pub on Sunday evenings   6.00 – 8.00 p.m.  and celebrated Micko Horans first anniversary at Ashes on Sunday evening  last.   Billy McGrath is on Guitar with Frankie at Ashes. 


The Kerry Association London will honour the two Kerry Athletes competing in the London Paralympics Games with a special function in the Crown Moran Hotel  Friday evening (September 7).   Roy Guerin,  is competing in his third Paralympic Games. Four years ago he came sixth in the 100 metre wheelchair sprint but this year he has set his sights on the powerlifting competition.    Ian Costelloe is a sailor from Kilorglin and is competing in his first Paralympics.      Admission is by charitable donation and a contribution will be made to the Paralympics Ireland on the night to help the organisation offset some of the costs in getting the two athletes to London.     And the London Rose, Nora Ni Fhlannagain, will also be in attendance and the Kerry Association London will make a presentation to her to mark her outstanding efforts as this year’s London Rose in promoting the Tralee festival in London and in promoting the Irish community in Britain back in Ireland.   Meanwhile nominations are open for the Kerry Person of the Year. This year’s presentation will be made at the Crown Moran Hotel in Cricklewood on October 26.   The association hold regular meetings at The Kingdom Bar and new members are always welcome.   Enquires about membership or any of the association’s events to secretary Tara Cronin on +44 7939 017022 or any committee member.    Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter: search for Kerry Association London or visit our website